Colorado classmate number five was two years at Deerfield and originally from Hinsdale, Illinois. He earned the respect of Mr. Bois on a trip to Russia as a new junior and later proctored in JW with Al Kerr, Kurt Miller and Andrew Niles (Anybody know of Andrew's whereabouts?)
He interned in DC during senior spring, so admits that he is less attached to DA than his four years at Middlebury, and his singing brethren in the Dissipated Eight...
Two teenagers and a 9 year old keep him busy when he's not focused on being CFO of a family owned moving company thats been in Denver since 1900 and has 11 locations in the US.
Our man Don Hindman gave me a tour of the impressive Centennial facility, which not only handles residential local and interstate moves but also works with companies to store and stage furniture and fixtures during remodeling or new construction. As a new hotel gets built nearby, the GC is able to warehouse carpets, bathroom fixtures etc. then request next day delivery through an online UI!

Not surprisingly, Don is, like his statemates, a raging Broncos fan and wore his Broncos tie for the occassion.