I’ve given it quite a lot of thought and believe that the benefits of sharing this outweigh any cons:
So ... I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma (there’s no such thing as a non-cancerous melanoma) in late May after the removal of a seemingly innocuous mole on my back. I then had surgery to remove tissue around the mole site and to biopsy a few lymph nodes taken from under my armpit(s). That biopsy confirmed spread
“promoting” me to the next stage of treatment, which included CT, PET and MRI scans (all of which came back negative for additional metastasis). I did have an anaphylactic reaction to some radioactive contrast dye during the MRI - got violently ill within 30 seconds of being injected, swollen eyes (Edema - no fun at all), hives, the works.

Drove down to Duke Univ. Hospital a few days ago for a 2nd opinion on treatment options. Managed to squeeze in 9 holes of
after that visit, so it wasn’t all bad
I start prophylactic (i.e. preventative) IV immunotherapy treatment on Wednesday, July 15, every six weeks for the next year. The treatment is designed to wipe out any lingering malevolent cells and to prevent any recurrence or further spread.

My oncologists at VCU Health say my prognosis is good and that I have every chance of living a long, productive life. My chances of that outcome are way better than if I’d been diagnosed even five years ago.
Perhaps you know someone who’s been affected by skin cancer, perhaps not. Mine likely resulted from the cumulative effects of UV radiation, e.g. sun exposure. If there’s one thing you can do for me, it’s simply to be smart and mindful about your time in the sun and vigilant about applying SPF30 or higher on yourselves and your kiddos.
I have excellent at-home support, as you can see below, and my daughter, her mom and my family have all been great throughout. A cancer diagnosis indeed brings occasion to “embrace the suck,” but in my case it has also brought some gifts in its wake. I’m focused on those positives and my own healing moving forward. And looking forward to a few restful weeks on Martha’s Vineyard in the wake of a challenging past couple of months. Blessings to all who read this

POSTSCRIPT: Thank you, thank you everyone far & wide for the kind words/thoughts in response to the post. It reminds me that I’ve met special, caring people at each of my various stops.