Schmidt '83 stuns Deerfield; promises calls
New York-
J. Douglas Schmidt, co-class captain for Deerfield's illustrious Class of 1983, announced today that he would mobilize his Class Agent team during the upcoming April Donor Challenge. "Our strategy last year was to do nothing and our results reflected that effort. Seven donors last April placed our class 42nd out of the 80 classes still alive. This year will be different. This year we are aiming for 57 donors in April. We have a chance to claim some of the $50,000 in prize money offered up by an anonymous trustee."
The contest, which counts any alumni donation made (online or postmarked) between April 1 and April 30, 2011, and rewards the top six finishers with cash credit to their class total, is the brainchild of Deerfield's Annual Support Steering Committee. Committee Chair and trustee, Zeke Knight '54, G03 could not be reached for comment but has previously said on record, "Why is the Class of 1983 so far down this list?"
Schmidt is excited to have the help of Class Agents Dean Singewald and Pete Townsend, as well as fellow Captain, John Knight. At the same time, he admitted he was most worried about the classmates assigned to Agent Rob Gulick. "Rob lives in Kosovo and has not been heard from in over a year. I hope that his assignments (Bourne, Compagno, Davey, Day, Hindman, Kaufmann, Mack, McKelvey and Wester) get the message somehow."
Schmidt also reminds classmates of the generous counting methodology allowed in this contest. "We have 25 terrific classmates who have already contributed this fiscal year; (Beaubien, Bennett, Blain, Bresnahan, Calman, Flagg, Grace, Greenberg, Guyer, Kikoski, Knight, Mahan, Malik, Patton, Pryce, Roberts, Robinson, Schiff, Steward, Stewart, Suher, Tritschler, Watts, Wolf, Wright). This contest is for them too as they are allowed to make another donation of any amount ($8.30?) in the month of April to help boost the class participation total! That's a thoughtful design in my opinion."
"Look for the appeal mailed from Deerfield and prepare for a call from a class volunteer" Schmidt reminded his classmates, "'cause this is our time!"