Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Mark and Van on Dec 30th!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Happy Holidays from Chris Davey

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Shelton and Wester send their best
Bill Wester checked in via Facebook to send holiday blessings to the class. Thanks Bill!
Friday, December 18, 2009
4 Heads are better than 3: and Breaking News!
And now for the real news: From the Fairfield Country Day School Website News:
John Munro Appointed New Headmaster 12/14/2009
John's first teaching job was at FCDS and this is a great move for him and his family after many rewarding years at the Nichols School in Buffalo, NY. By my count this makes him our class's fourth head of an educational institution: Vicente Fabella at Jose Rizal University in Manilla, Eric Peterson at St. George's School in Newport, RI, Adam Weinberg at World Learning in Brattleboro, VT and now John!
For more pictures of the dining hall fire see the Flickr Feed at http://www.flickr.com/photos/deerfieldacademy/sets/72157623024692676/ or go to DA's Facebook page.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Another engagement: Whitney Armstrong!

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Only 4 hours from Montreal!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Surfing on Thanksgiving...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Our man in Barcelona reports...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Look for the redesigned DEERFIELD magazine in your mail soon and revel in the impact '83 has in the issue! Thanks to all classnotes senders and especially Ben Patton, Whit Sheppard and yours truly who got "call-outs"! Let's keep it coming and reach out to quieter classmates to include them in upcoming issues!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Choate Day Thrill
As the rains poured down and the Big Green teams struggled to defeat the wild boars from Wallingford, CT a ray of sunshine presented itself in the form of classmate Cameron Chalmers! Down from Vermont with his wife and two kids, Cam hasn't been to campus lately. He tries to keep informed through the class blog but says most of VT is still on dial-up including himself! Look for his landscape design firm that he operates with his wife, Mary Ogden. (http://www.ogdenchalmers.com/projects-home) Always a plus to see someone from '83!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
NFL Commercial - footage by Silverman's Inertia Unlimited
and the youtube version of same at
Friday, October 30, 2009
The hits keep coming!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
So good you don't even realize it...Thanks Jeff!
Don't forget to thank Jeff Silverman's company Inertia Unlimited.
From the LA Daily News' Tom Hoffarth on October 15th...
== There is a new X-Mo super slo-mo camera stationed on the low first-base side that will shoot 1,000 frames a second -- one step better than the X-Mo you've seen on an FSN telecast or even a Fox MLB game. It's a camera usually reserved for NFL A-game broadcasts and will only be available to TBS on Games 1 and 2 (but not on Sunday's Game 3 because of the NFL use)."It's something that NFL Films loves to use, and they'll have it tied up Sunday and Monday," said Diamond. "You can really see the ball come out the pitcher's hand and the seems of the ball like nothing else you've ever been able to see." http://www.insidesocal.com/tomhoffarth/archives/2009/10/what-to-watch-f.html
Jeff answered my query about what he's up to: "We’re in the midst of shooting the NFL League commercials right now with NFL Films. We’re getting a lot of buzz about it. They are the commercials with the exceptionally slow motion (1000fps) shot at actual games. We will also have slow motion cameras on TNT’s and Fox’s baseball playoff coverage (LCS and WS) in the next few weeks (and NBC Sunday Night Football and NFL Network and CBS and Fox and HBO live boxing events and 24/7 and Hard Knocks)….) and the Superbowl. Don’t forget poker, High Stakes Poker, Face the Ace, Million Dollar Challenge, WSOP Europe, US Poker Championship, Poker After Dark and a few others. But nothing too big really."
Pretty impressive for three people in Southern Vermont! THANKS JEFF!!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
'Tis the season!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Compagno Architecture included in prestigious show

Monday, October 12, 2009
Pryce, Lemieux and Witherspoon leave voicemail from Barcelona
PryceLemeiuxWither... |
Friday, October 9, 2009
Geoff Bennett and Doug Schmidt see JK in NYC
Schmidt claims he will recive his first paycheck in years today - we wish him a hearty congratulations and will expect a scaned image as proof! Also the networker, Schmidt does indeed seem energized by his new employment. Go get 'em JD!
Knight, once again, was forced to dine on delicious food and schmooze with scads of Deerfield alums and parents. Long day at "the office".
Kudos to Chris Waddell '87
Watch CBS News Videos Online
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
News Flash: Crow family visits DA!
Sox or Yankees? Averill has a thought...

Friday, October 2, 2009
Steward and Guyer send news! (next?)

Leigh Guyer had a guest starring role on TNT's Leverage a couple of months ago. They filmed the entire second season here in Portland, and scuttlebutt says they'll be back next year! The video is embedded - he appears after only about a minute in and winds up in a nasty wreck so CHECK it out! Click on the "play" arrows - no need to register - then go to full screen mode. THE KID CAN ACT! (Flounder's next movie should be in Portland?)
Here is a link to the episode called "Beantown Bailout" (episode 201).
Two regular guys linked by the greatest school on earth who took the time to share. Thx boys...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Prove it! By Eddy D...
This you gotta see my friends. The shy and retiring boy from NJ we knew in high school is an internet sensation with the Big Blue Bus and the Pepsi Max / Gizmodo tailgating challenge
We all knew he had it in him, just most of us never got to see it until now...
and that's eddyd@gizmodo.com for contest entries!Sunday, September 13, 2009
Charlie Cost '83 pays it forward every year

By The Scroll
Published: September 12, 2009
Supported by the Cost and Workman families, Deerfield students pursue various community service activities during the summer.
Andy Harris ’10 won Deerfield’s Cost Award to run a theatre camp.
Eliot Taft '11 worked in an orphanage in Uruguay
Sixteen other students were awarded Workman Grants from the Academy for a maximum of $1,000 each.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
In honor of the US Open starting...

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Suher Pulls it off!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
83 Blues on Nantucket
More proof that what happens on Nantucket should stay there. Dinner out for our fearsome threesome (Knight, Wareck, Suher) on Nantucket ended with milkshakes at Nantucket Pharmacy on Main Street. Jim Wareck was resting after producing and writing his first film (straight faces everyone) and is writing more stuff for our viewing pleasure. Eric Suher Enterprises continues to thrive in this economy and plans to open an outdoor music venue in western, MA are moving along. Knight is loving his iphone - it takes pictures of alums and thanks Erica Belanger '09 for walking into the pharmacy the minute we needed the pic taken!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Dick McKelvey Funeral Reception
Friday, July 10, 2009
Double Vision
Yup, that's D. Sean Nottage and Pierce Brosnan playing dress up in the Bahamas. Sean pretends to have a day job but his Facebook page is loaded with shots of him as a movie star look alike and a voice actor. What's next, perhaps a Gillete ad???
Home is where the stuff is
Spence Brown's Neighborhood
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
There's a new world leader

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Rev McKev passes
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wareck and Weir filming movie: REALLY!

The low-budget indie flick “Below the Beltway” has been spotted filming around town with actors who aren’t your usual low-budget indie guys: Tate Donovan, Kip Pardue, Sarah Clarke, Spencer Garrett (who, interestingly, is playing Tom DeLay in “Casino Jack”), and director Dave Fraunces, who actually was RFK in “Bobby.” It’s all due to a former House, Senate and Mayor Anthony Williams guy — Jim Wareck. He dreamed up and wrote the movie about what really happens in D.C. “There’s never been a realistic portrayal of staffers,” he says. Basically: A character has fallen from grace and wants to get back in the scene — but eventually all the characters realize “there is life above the Beltway.” “It’s damn hard to do,” Wareck says of the movie process. “It’s like fighting the devil with a bucket of water.” Still, the movie was being shot in Alexandria over the weekend with a few cameos: Chris Matthews, Jack and Susanna Quinn and former Mayor Williams. And there’s more to come: Wareck is putting his friends in as much as possible, like former John Kerry gal Amy Dacey, Quinn Gillespie’s Virginia Hume and the Food Network’s Duff Goldman. Sadly, the new Rules communications director Vince Morris has been cut. “He hasn’t forgiven me,” Wareck says with a laugh. Matthews’ son, Michael, is “the MVP” of the set, Wareck says — he’s the locations manager. The power breakfast scene involved Matthews calling Pardue’s character “a jerk.” Susanna Quinn was Matthews’ breakfast partner, while Jack Quinn was seated with Williams, and Jack Quinn also assails Pardue’s character, calling him “an [expletive]” while Williams says, laughing, “Take a number.” Hopefully, there will be a Mayor Fenty cameo, too, talking about D.C.’s voting rights, and rumor has it they’ll be filming in POLITICO’s offices over the weekend. “It’s tough to make comedy in D.C. authentic when Joe Lieberman wins the funniest man in D.C. contest every year — it’s not a funny town,” Wareck says. The movie’s filming for 19 days, but “it’s not the best 19 days of your life,” Wareck notes. “It’s like you’re two days out from Election Day every day. ... Producing is like managing a campaign.” Always political.
By Anne Schroeder Mullins June 10 at 04:00 AM
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Cool Class Notes: Tritschler,Kierstead,Day,Calman,Wood, Wester
March - Charlie Tritschler is working at Amazon on Kindle project.
March - Lt Col Bob Keirstead writes, "Hello all! I was at church here in Brentwood, Tennessee about 2 months ago and saw classmate Bill Wester in the parking lot, we actually now go to the same church, 1,071 miles from Deerfield! He is back from Africa and working at Vanderbilt. I am still in the Air Force and heading to US Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, PA in July. After that, probably back to the Pentagon or back to the Middle East!"
March - Chris Day writes, "I continue to run www.evergreenadvisors.us from Ridgefield, CT and am greatly enjoying it. It's a challenging economy, but, thankfully, we're able to deliver value and have a sustainable business. Clark turned 6 in January and Ella is on her way to 3 in July. There's a strong possibility that we may be relocating to the Tampa, FL area this year, and I'd be grateful to hear from alums in that part of the world. Though it's difficult to leave New England, it's not so difficult when it's overcast, gray and cold! Nonetheless, I'll sorely miss the grand colonial homes, wide tree-lined streets, community spirit and church bells (not to mention the firehouse alarm at 12:00PM every day). If any of our esteemed class are familiar with the West Coast of Florida – please feel free to call me – I would be grateful. Be Worthy."
March - Matt Calman writes, "I'm just back from my second two-week trip to China this year. My team from Bank of America is leading a project with one of the major banks in China to build a Product Innovation Lab in Beijing. It's quite an adventure, both culturally and professionally, and the cuisine is spectacular! I have three or four more trips over in 2009. If anyone is over there, drop me a note at matt.calman@bankofamerica.com"
March - Dexter Wood writes, "After more than eight very fulfilling and rewarding years with Host Hotels & Resorts, I have accepted an extraordinary opportunity to join Hilton Hotels as senior vice president and global head of business & investment analysis. In my new role, I will have global responsibility for financial and business analysis functions supporting Hilton's development and brand growth strategies. Hilton will be relocating their corporate headquarters to the Washington, DC area this summer. So no relocation of the family is required, which is nice! Until then I will be spending time in Beverly Hills and traveling to other areas of interest around the world."
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
RATS Redux
You may remember I asked Whit Sheppard to write about his recent visit to DA.
And now for those..."Reflections upon visiting the campus: it just seemed a much more upbeat, vibrant place than my memories of it. Deerfield seemed much more humane and student-centered than during our era. Might have had something to do with the beautiful spring sunshine, warm air and 50% of the student body being of the female persuasion. And certainly owing somewhat to seeing it through different, clear eyes, and not through the chemically-induced fog of much of my earlier experience as a student. Lots of smiling faces and friendly "hellos" from current students, and I had a nice chat with a few seniors before we went in for lunch. Good kids, lots of self-esteem, matriculating at great colleges. I drove away with a nice feeling, much different than the one I had when we graduated in 1983. I was more relieved then than anything else. I felt grateful to see today's students seeming to enjoy their Deerfield experience so much, based on my quick impressions.
Couple of more things: I joined the later-in-life-Daddy's-club in November, when Emily Vaughan was born. Her mom and I are thrilled and she's slept through the night since she was 8 weeks old! We are lucky!
And for those looking for a good Father's Day gift, you could do probably worse than picking up a copy of "Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Golf Book," which arrived in bookstores in late April and for which I wrote a piece about my father, also a Deerfield alum ('54) entitled "Dreamer." (page 158) Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, after all...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Dinner with Nourse (aka Strawberry Man)
Fun times in Western MA. Nate and his wife Betsy invited us to dinner - their boys Nick and Colby were gracious hosts to our 3 yr old daughter and fun was had by all. Nothing like fresh asparagus (from Nate's field) and grilled salmon. Thanks Nate!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Techno Deerfield
Nourse Farm leads the way
Patton featured in Smithsonian Magazine
Famed World War II Gen. George S. Patton's grandson finds his calling in the ashes of his fathers journals (By Benjamin W. Patton Smithsonian magazine, June 2009). A wonderful piece on personal history and it's value. The accompanying video is fantastic and can be found at http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1494875046?bclid=1213949676&bctid=23928239001
Maybe I should print my blog on paper and save it somewhere?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Nice Catch Jon!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wonder what Whit was doing in Western, MA? Check out his new use of journalism -
Thanks for reaching out Whit - I'm bummed I missed ya!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Swimming wins New Englands, again!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Facebook Phenom
Recent Sightings

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Bob Fitz hits the Bruins game Jan 31

It was great to sit next to our man in Boston - Bob Fitzpatrick (and his brother '81) as the Bruins skated their way to a 1-0 victory over the Rangers this afternoon. Twenty-one year old Finnish goalie Tuuka Rask (the goalie of the future) got the shutout - and Fitz pointed out that Rask was acquired in a trade for Andrew Raycroft (from Toronto in June 2006). That's hockey knowledge that Fitz has been working on a long time! Lots of fun trading old IHL memories too...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Suher Latest in the news
Monday, January 19, 2009
Wareck's New Year
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Suher tells tales to DA seniors