Sunday, June 26, 2022

Townsend hosts Patton and Knight to kick off golf events

Ben Patton drove from NYC, dropped his son at camp in Maine then returned to his homestead of Hamilton, MA to catch up with his old pal Peter Townsend.  John Knight drove up from Rhode Island and the threesome enjoyed a lovely Sunday of golf at Essex County Club (1893, Donald Ross was head pro for 7 years starting in 1910 and redesigned the course).

A dozen members typically gather on weekend mornings at 7:30 am and politely divide into groups and tee times, so our golfers teed off about 8:00 am with the warning that they must be off the course by 11:30 am - the start of an 80 golfer shotgun tournament.

The morning was warm but clear and the golf was crisp!  Lots of fun with the challenge presented and Pete, Ben and John were putting the 18th green as the 80 golfers headed to their assigned tees right at the appointed hour.

Find a classmate and go golfing! (or dining, or bowling, or drinking or...)

Remember the virtual golf tournament currently scheduled for the first weekend of August.  The tournament link on 18Birdies will get posted on the blog and you can play anytime that weekend!