Monday, September 27, 2021

Professor Wareck


Jim Wareck embarks on his "next chapter".  Rumor mill wondering if an appointment at Denison is in his future...

"Hey finally a blog post where i am not stuffing my face with food with classmates. I am teaching a 5 week seminar in indie film producing at Boise state University this Fall as well as leading webinars for a film platform. It is a great opportunity as so much of production has ground to a halt and only slowly coming back and Boise is a great place to be. Please note the DA mask under my BSU mask. The program and I both hope this will be a semi-regular partnership so If any classmates have kids who go to Boise or if any of their friends do, please tell them to enroll and be sure to use the Code "DA83" when registering for 10% grade inflation."