Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Zoom HH #2 - some old, some new!

Another fun Happy Hour on Zoom occurred - and it was great to see some new faces!  Welcome to Charlie Gagne (CA), John Cianciolo (RI), Sean Nottage (Bahamas), Scott Pryce (VA) and Bob Keirstead (IL).  Thanks for returning Doug Cruikshank (NY - points for the DA hat!), Jim Wareck (CA), Whit Sheppard (VA), Eric Suher (MA), Chris Flagg and PB Weymouth (NY) and JK in CO.

We learned that Cianciolo is engaged, Keirstead is retired from the Air Force, Pryce works in commercial real estate and the Bahamas lock down has been tougher, and more effective, than most other countries in the world. We also learned that Jim Wareck is Jewish and that JK has no idea how to "print screen" on his Mac desktop.

Look for another invite from "john.g.knightATdu.edu" (AT=@) for DA83 Zoom HH #3 - to be held SATURDAY, MAY 23 at 6 pm ET.  Share the invite with anyone else in the class you'd like to see on the call - JK might not have their email address and it might have never made it to them.