Sunday, April 12, 2020

San Antonio Man

Brian Steward was interviewed on a San Antonio podcast (The Alamo Hour) recently and he tells some great stories about his childhood.  The podcast is centered on the legal community and there is a lot going on in the reproductive rights space right now, which is much of the content.  Things happen fast sometimes in the legal world and Brian was invited back a second time to follow up on his first interview.

It's fun to hear Brian be an expert and also to hear him tell stories about his childhood.  He even details the 24 hours before he was born!

Part One (60 Minutes, apple podcast player, click Alamo Hour link for other player options)

Part Two (30 Minutes)

The Alamo Hour page =

Bonus links: If you listen to the first hour, Brian tells a story about his parents and their work, and about the deposition his mother gave the day before she gave birth to him.  Here's the link to the case:,44 and here's the link to that Christine Steward Deposition: (coming soon)