Monday, January 21, 2013

Advertising moves...

If you can beleive it, after 16 years at BBDO NY and 14 of them on the Gillette business, I'm heading to mcgarrybowen in NY to lead the United Airlines and P&G Aussie accounts as a Managing Director. Now that Ryan is 14 and Charlotte is 11, time was right professionally and personally to make a move. Hoping to get to reunions this June.
Peter (Geary)

CONGRATS from the class on your professional move, Peter!

On an unrelated note, Hank Lemieux announced on Facebook today "Okay, big news. I'm moving to Manhattan. Next week.

This has been in the works for months, to alleviate this East Coast & UK travel I'm doing. I have a cool apartment in West Village/Meat Packing, near Chelsea Market and Google. Yes there is a sofabed and yes, you can visit (but book in advance, there's already a rush on that sofabed and it's not even Spring yet).

I was born in NY, so in a way this is "full circle" after 7 cities in between. But it's only a 6-12 month assignment, and I'll be returning to CA about once a month, so I'm keeping my San Fran apartment and, like Ahnold, "Ah'll be back."

Thanks to everyone who helped me choose and settle there, especially  Douglas Schmidt.

Big Apple, steel yourself.