Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Two great men...

Had the chance to catch up with two classmates recently and my abbreviated reports will only give you a glimpse of the excellence that is DA83.  The full versions are only available at our 30th reunion, so register today!

Pete Townsend is in Boston handling dry-wall projects for a commercial retrofitting operation.  When a client moves out of an office building his team reworks all the walls for the new client etc.
Both of his sons are at Carrabassett Valley Academy at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine, (offering a unique balance of college preparatory academics and competitive ski and snowboard training).  He looked good and had his usual smile when we connected at the DA reception in Boston at the MIT Museum (very cool).

John Kikoski and I connected in NYC recently and this is the view from his office on the 51st floor looking NW.  John has been spearheading an effort to develop GTL technology for development in the US. Gas to liquids technology might be a game changer, especially for the air travel industry and interestingly Sasol announced the first GTL plant in the US to be started soon in Louisiana on the very day John and I met. I hadn't talked to John for an hour straight for years, but I guarantee it will not be as long before I make a point to do it again. John is especially proud, as he should be, of his six week old son...

We are a solid bunch of citizens...30 years later!  Please remember Deerfield in your annual philanthropy, with many options for recurring credit card giving now available at